Original Kalimba Music | San Francisco, Ca.

The ethereal, mysterious kalimba, a.k.a. the African thumb piano, is often misunderstood, misinterpreted and mistaken for being a museum piece or trinket. Consequently, Carl Winters has been inspired to develop an extensive songbook with the kalimba. His repertoire includes gospel, jazz, blues, rhythm and blues, pop, original songs while delivering a complete solo performance. He also performs in duo, trio, quartet and quintet configurations.
Winters conducts clinics and performances at universities, festivals, public schools, churches, corporate functions, libraries and clubs. His clinics address how the kalimba is used in the context of African society, particularly Zimbabwe. In addition, emphasis is placed on its political, cultural, medicinal and spiritual significance. Winters is also a credentialed teacher which makes the process of "teaching" the mechanics and dynamics of the kalimba both natural and fun. His past membership in the International Association of Jazz Education afforded him the opportunity to administer workshops and performances to a wide range of institutions throughout the world.